Bismillah Hir Rehman Nir Raheem (In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficial, The Most Merciful)
A man walked up to Imam Ali (A.S.) & asked in respect with clenched hands down to honor the wise of wisdom, "O Ali! For what reasons had Allah commanded satan to prostrate before Adam?"
Ali (A.S) bespoke to the man, "Because Allah wanted to manifest to all, that his mankind should be respected. This is why he commanded Satan to bow down to Adam so that every human being understands that it is among humans He (Allah) has kept on all relations.
Among Humans is a loving relationship of the Mother; a profound relationship of the father; a friendly relationship of the sister; a brotherly & blissful relationship of friends; a deep & intimate relationship of husband & wife; a beautiful & friendly relationship of the brothers like sugar and spice.
Because Allah wanted to show as openly and clearly as possible that no matter how great worshipper one maybe, but if he doesn't respect humans, doesn't respect relations, so in the day of judgment, He (Allah) will throw away the man from his mercy.
And his ultimate end will like that be of Satan...
Blog Written By
Zain Khan
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