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Showing posts with the label reality of relatives.

Unmask Friends & Relatives!

Bismillah Hir Rehman Nir Raheem (In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficial, The Most Merciful) It is customary to invoke the blessings of Allah on Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, whenever his name is mentioned. Similarly, it's customary to invoke the blessings of Allah whenever the name of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, is mentioned. This invocation is intended as 'As-Salatu As-Salaam' abbreviated to A.S. in brackets meaning Blessings and Peace be upon him, throughout this article. Before we began, let's first understand the literal meaning of Hadith, which is to tell, narrate or report a happening from traditions whose narrative records have been forwarded to generation after generation without a change of word. Following is the hadith of Imam Ali from  Dars-e-Aqhlaaq meaning lessons of ethics/character in conduct' that I want you to read and add benefiting qualities to your life. A man appeared before Imam Ali ...