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Showing posts from September, 2021

Why Do We Take Week-Offs On Saturdays And Sundays? Concept Of Holidays on Weekends With Exclusive Proofs Of Written Records & Reasons

To rest is to reset! Week-offs are the days when we all are set ashore to change our physical or mental ability soaked up in laziness or weariness into the renewed vitality of plunging back into the sea of life again. It's the days that we yearn for spending time with our very intimate people, socializing with friends, or travelling to desired places with the given freedom of being into ownself, and are free from being watched by the eyes calculating merits and from every political or protocolic motives of business. But, did we ever contemplate about the origin of weekly off?  What is its one and the single and perhaps the only exclusive reason?  Although being in love with the patience of its coming. Although knowing how it evolved through generations after generations all around the world. Yet, have we ever wanted to know what is the sole motive behind weekly off and who is its sole motivator?                  ...

Where in the Qur’an does Allah say “I love you unconditionally?” - A Response to Altruistico & Fictionaries

Bismillah Hir-Rehman Nir-Raheem In the name of Allah, the most beneficial, the most merciful. My dear readers,  I happened to read a blog which titles Where in the Qur'an does Allah say "I love you unconditionally?"  by Altruistico.  I do not know who Altruistico is, what country he is from, and what's his gender. Therefore, in this entire blog, I will have to refer to one gender pronoun as 'He'.  He writes, he's curious to know if there's a Muslim who can answer this one simple question, "Where in the Quran does it say Allah loves me unconditionally?" And the responses he has received from Muslims aren't satisfactory and are lacking. Furthermore, he intriguingly questioned, "What's the greatest act of love that Allah has ever accomplished?" by quoting  John 15:13 ,   1 John 4:16 , and  John 1:1  in comparison to prove that in Christianity, Jesus Christ, who is the God in flesh, ha...